Sunday 4 November 2012

Time Is Ticking.

Recently, I've really been loving this song. So it has been getting a lot of airplay in my car.

In class, I always ask my students to tell me WHY they like things. You can't like things just because you like them. There's always a reason, or even several reasons.

I never knew I'd be a fan of Epik High. And I'm a little late on the bandwagon. But I love their songs because Tablo's lyrics are quite beautiful. And I love their technique of using haunting 'fairy-like' lady voices to smoothen the aggressive rap.

The actress in the video isn't Ji-Sun, but I really like her acting in this. A little depressing, but still gave me goosebumps in the end.

My imouto introduced Epik High through this song, though. Which can also be heard over and over in my car.

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