Tuesday 6 November 2012

Setting Up a Blog.

I'm glad to see some of you are interested in creating your own blog. Here are a set of instructions to tell you how to create your own blog. My next post will be about how to begin writing on your blog.

1. First, you need to have a Google account. You can set up an account by going to gmail.com, and click Create an Account.

 2. Then follow the instructions until you have a Google account.

3. When your Google account is complete, go to www.blogspot.com.

4. Use your Gmail e-mail and password to log in.

5. Then, you click on 'New Blog' on the left side of your screen.

6. This will pop up...

 .. and you can fill in the title of your blog and the web address. I've given an example above. Give a creative title for your blog and a catchy address. If you see the yellow box come up on the right there, that means someone else is already using that address, and so you need to think of another one.

7. Then, you choose a template of what you want your blog to look like.

8. You're blog is finished setting up! To see your blog, click View Blog (A).

I will explain (B) in my next post. Happy starting!

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