Tuesday 6 November 2012

Starting to Write.

Once your blog is set up, of course you want to start posting! Well, here's how. I'll pick up from where we left off on the previous post.

1. To start posting entries (writing), click B (Overview).

2. This screen will pop up.

Posts - this is where you can manage your posts. (semua yang kamu tulis dalam blog tu, we call it 'posts' or 'entries').
Comments - this is where you manage your comments. Comments are things people say about your writing. I will explain this in my next post.
Layout and Template - this is where you can change your background and blog design. You see I have a big white rose on mine? You can play around in this area to see what you'll be able to do with your blog.

3. To start posting, click the 'New Post' button, in the orange box.

4. This screen will come up.

You see the big white box? That's where you write your blog. (C) is the title of your post. (D) is where you can play with the font. And (E) is used to add an image. Here is an example while I was writing the previous post.

 5. When you're finished writing, click 'Preview'. This will allow you to see what your post will look like. When you are satisfied (puas hati) with how it looks, close the Preview.

6. To show your post to everyone, click 'Publish'.

7. Then, use the 'View Blog' button to see your blog!

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